Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Reflection Of The Teamwork In The Workplace †

Question: Discuss about the Reflection Of The Teamwork In The Workplace. Answer: Introduction The assignment is the reflection of the teamwork in the workplace as the part of my diploma inbusiness management (level 5). The team consisted of four members where one acted as a leader, and the rest three under him played a different role. A set of questions were asked of the team leader, and the responses were noted. The team interviewed a leader belonging to a multi-cultural organisation named Whitirea. The questionnaire was based on team process, team roles, team norms and conflict. The aim of the assignment is to reflect on the team dynamics and on personal contribution to developing a positive team culture. Reflection on the team dynamics Reflecting on the five stages of team development that is forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning. Personally, I feel that our team was competent enough right from the forming stage. All the team members had a positive mindset, and every member of the team participated in the interview process. In the forming stage, one of the team members, Donald was very polite and was respectful of individual preferences. He always wanted our opinion about location of team meeting and timing of interviews. In the storming stage, we were competing with each other for acceptance of our time slaught for the interviewing the selected leader. It was obvious to us as we never worked together before. Most of the time, Akshit complained about our interview plan. However, this stage came to closure as Donald and Gurpinder were more cooperating. In the norming stage, the situation was easier to handle as each of the members was seeking assistance before proceeding with the interview plan. For example, Akshit prepared the questionnaire for leadership and consulted Gurpinder, Donald and me. It helped us in rectifications as team leader was also involved. In the performing stage, I observed a high level of unity amongst us compared to the previous stages. However, Donald had to revert to storming stage as at times he tends to work independently. He changed his time slaught without prior notice to us. However, the issue was sorted by the collaborative effort of other team members. In the Adjourning stage, we were always in touch as we were closer than in previous stages. We were satisfied with our planning and management skills. We were able to conduct the interview as expected. Some stages were clearly different from one another due to different viewpoints and opinions of team member. The forming stage was a bit longer than any other stage. Gurpinder is our team leade. The interview was taken by Donald, Akshit and me (Nitish) at alternative times. The leader was appointed by the team and he too involved in the interview project. He assumed the leadership role as per the majority, preferring his leadership style. However, we individually executed the leadership role. Throughout the project, we had the same leader and was not changed in different stages of the team evolution. During the interview project, each one has different role. Akshit prepared time slaught for the interview with the leader of Whitirea. Donald developed the questionnaire for the interview based on different themes such as team conflicts, leaderships style, and culture development. Gurpinder was responsible for discussing the interview process with the selected leaders and explaining the objectives. I undertook the responsibility to email the leader and take informed consent for recording the interview process. The two norms observed by our time was punctuality and respect for opinions. These two norms were agreed in the beginning after the forming stage. The norms were based on the view of Wood (2014) on timemanagement as the key skill to success. As per Schraub et al. (2014), without respecting each others perspectives, it is challenging to achieve team goals. The punctuality norm was set by our team leader. The other norm was set by all the team members as we were from different nations and some were from a non-English speaking background. All the members confirmed to the norms as our leader was sensitive to individual problems. The team norms were useful in completing the interview process successfully. Completing on time gave us sufficient scope to summarise the interview responses and interpret the data for presentation to the professor. Without respecting each other's opinions, it would not have been possible to design the questionnaires. Many of the questions prepared by Donald had to be rectified for its appropriateness. There were three conflicting situations faced by our team. Firstly, Donald for once changed time slaught for the interview that was set by everyone without notification. Secondly, Akshit complained about our interview plan and was arguing. Thirdly, I prepared some of the questions with Donald that was not accepted by others. To overcome the conflicts, the first resolution style adopted by the team was collaborating and Accommodating as explained by Thomas and Kilmann in his Five conflictingmanagement styles framework (Riasi Asadzadeh, 2015). Donald was explained to reschedule his time slaught for meeting as I had exam at the same time. It was win-win situation as there was no clash of time during team meetings or interview process. Gurpinder explained me to revise the questionnaires. I realised through him that my questions were too long and will not be easy for the leader to comprehend. It was not right on my part to argue as the team leader was accommodating other opinions that I had given. Therefore, it resolved the conflicts as some of us compromised. Developing a positive team culture During the team process, in the forming stage, I had welcomed everyone on the first day with greeting cards and chocolates to foster positivity. In the storming stage, I practised the effective listening skills to avoid conflicts due to miscommunication. I maintained the journal to note everyones viewpoints to critically analyse the outcome of the decision. In the norming stage, I circulated any new information regarding the rescheduling of team meetings or interview plan through social media such as facebook as well as personal message applications on smartphones. It helped us to stay updated. In the performing stage, I had personal meetings with Donald to revert back to forming stage. He was failing to update us on revised schedule. I sat with him for coffee to tackle his misconceptions and aware him of team goals. In the adjourning stage, I had organised a feedback session, where each member had to discuss hurdles faced during the team process. It helped to sort of misinterpretati ons and depended on the team bonding. These contributions helped in building a positive culture in the team by eliminating the communication issues. During the period of project, I played the role of the implementer. I did proactively respond to criticism and feedbacks to ensure the interview plan is actionable. As I was quick in rectifying my questionnaires, my team members could count on me. The other action-oriented role was that of coordinator. I was valuing and respecting the ideas of each member and helped them through English language barrier. It helped them to omit the communication issues. I played the role of completer-finisher to omit the error in the interview questionnaire and interview plan. As I was serious about minute details, it also pushed others to be accountable for their work. Overall there was no confusion during the interview process. In order to establish and implement the team norms that are punctuality and respect to team diversity, I had adopted soft strategies. I had prepared stick notes for every detail to remember for team meetings. It helped to meet the team deadlines. I had considered the ideas of others that appeared most logical and potential. It helped to create the ownership among the workers. It motivated others to arrive to work on time. I had coffee sessions with team members after classes to build trust and determine what motivates people. I appreciated and applauded for smart ideas in team involving the team leader. It helped me draw out my leadership potential. Regular feedback sessions were effective in fostering the respect for individual members as each belonged to different nations. The four contributions that I made towards resolving the team conflicts are avoiding, accommodating, collaborating, and compromising. I discussed my issues politely without throwing sarcastic remarks to others members. I accommodated to other perspective wile explaining that potentiality of my ideas. To make sure we understand each other clearly, I compromised on schedule most of the time with Donald and Akshit. I modified the questionnaire as instructed by Gurpinder to avoid arguments. When Donald was not updating other about revised interview timings, I coordinated with others through personal messages on smartphones. I avoided taking criticism too personally and obeyed our leader. In order to handle the similar situation that is arguments in future teamwork, my strategy would be to identify and address the emotional triggers. I would identify what would erupt the emotions. I would note in my journal to remove barriers to conflict resolution process (Liu Maitlis, 2014). References Liu, F., Maitlis, S. (2014). Emotional dynamics and strategizing processes: A study of strategic conversations in top team meetings.Journal of Management Studies,51(2), 202-234. Riasi, A., Asadzadeh, N. (2015). The relationship between principals reward power and their conflict management styles based on ThomasKilmann conflict mode instrument.Management Science Letters,5(6), 611-618. Schraub, E. M., Michel, A., Shemla, M., Sonntag, K. (2014). The roles of leader emotion management and team conflict for team members' personal initiative: A multilevel perspective.European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology,23(2), 263-276. Wood, R. (2014).More Time Management Tips for Busy People. DEFENSE ACQUISITION UNIV FT BELVOIR VA.

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